Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Let's Move!

As part of First Lady Michelle Obama's health initiative and in keeping with our church principles the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists is sponsoring a Let's Move Day this Sunday. The goal is to walk/run 100,000 miles across the division that day. To do our part HAA is aiming to walk 1,000 miles. We are inviting you to come to the school from 1:00 to 2:00 Sunday. We will be walking laps around the field. Not only is this an opportunity to do something healthy for yourself, it's a chance to have some fun as a school family. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week of Prayer and Then Some

I fully intended to post at least three different times last week, but things were just so busy! Here's why:

Week of Prayer - Our theme was The Bible as THE Best Book

Mrs. Courtney a former teacher/principal from Australia presented engaging Bible stories to the elementary students.

On Friday the Kindergarten class led out during praise time at Week of Prayer.

In addition to our Week of Prayer meetings we had special reading visitors on Wednesday. Mr. Dunham's Impact class came down to our classroom and read with the Kindergarteners. We're hoping they will be able to come back regularly throughout the school year.

As I previously mentioned, the students are loving our Mandarin Chinese classes with Ms. Winni. 

On top of these events we managed to fit in our regular academics, remember 9/11 heroes and victims, and even lose some teeth!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

From One Week to the Next

Last week was a great week, with lots of firsts!

We started the week with DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills), each students was given this assessment and I will use the results to plan individual, small group and whole class instruction.

On Thursday we had our first Mandarin Chinese class with Miss Winni. The Kindergarteners loved her and I'm excited to learn right along with them in the coming months.

Friday was the first day of our PeeWee sports program. Thankfully it didn't rain and the students were able to start playing soccer with "Coach" Jackson.

Of all the highlights this week, I think my favorite part was our Friday morning worship service with First and Second grades. Listen to how wonderful the kids (and Mrs. U on the piano) sounded during our praise time! This special worship time is something we do every Friday, as I mentioned in a previous post we love to have guest presenters at these worships, if you would like to be a part of our worship please email me.

This week we are looking forward to commemorating Patriot Day tomorrow, a blessing-filled week of prayer, and more new experiences!

By the way, I was finally able to upload my video from Back to School Night, here it is.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Back to School Night Video

So far I haven't been able to load the video I made for Back to School Night, but in the meantime here is the link to the video Ms. Cherie made. I will keep trying to load my other video as well.