Sunday, September 30, 2012

A Visit from the High School

One of the great parts about being in a PreK-12 school is that students from all grade levels get to interact with one another. Friday was a great example of how much time all the students spend together.

We started the day as we do every Friday with PreK-2 joint worship. This worship time is always one of my favorite parts of the week. The kids love being all together and it's inspiring to see the joy they take in praising God!

Following worship some of the Freshmen and Sophomores came down to spend time with the Kindergarten class. The high school underclassmen were spending the day doing outreach and wanted to read and work with the younger students. First the Freshmen and Sophomores helped the Kindergarteners make a class book about friends.

Once the students finished their pages they spread out around the room and read together. They loved it, and seemed pretty disappointed when we told them time was up. 

We are so blessed to have such great students of all ages in our school and I'm so glad they have the opportunity to learn from each other!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I'm Back!

The new design is finally done and I'm so excited to share it with all of you and get caught up with what's happening in Kindergarten! There will be lots of pictures and updates coming soon!