Friday, August 26, 2011

You're Invited!

Our first full week flew by! We had so much fun and managed to do so many things. This afternoon we created beautiful melted crayon art, but I think the students are most proud of their reading accomplishment. We are launching The Daily 5 which is the structure for our Language Arts curriculum. Basically right now I am teaching the students routines and expectations. We are building our reading stamina and today we set a new record for independent reading; 20 minutes and 26 seconds! Please be sure to congratulate your child and celebrate their success, we're very proud. I'm sure they would also love to tell you about the three ways to read a book and what good reading looks like.

As the title of this post suggests, you are invited to several upcoming occasions.

First, Adventist Hinsdale Hospital is hosting their annual Ice Cream Social Sunday afternoon from 3:00-6:00 pm at Burlington Park in Hinsdale. You can learn more about AHH and the ice cream social here.

On Thursday night HAA is hosting a Welcome Back to School night. Back to School Night Flyer PDF

Finally, you are invited to become a volunteer for our classroom! I am looking for parents who are willing to become familiar faces and those who might be more comfortable helping behind the scenes. There are a number of ways to get involved, here are just a few;

- Guest Artist, we do art projects on Friday afternoons and I would love to have some of you come lead out in a project with the kids.

- Guest Speaker, on Friday mornings we have a joint worship time with First and Second grade. The students love it when guest speakers share the devotional story (by the end of the week I think they are getting tired of hearing their teachers' voices) you can read a story, tell a story or share an object lesson. Extended families are welcome to do worships too, one of our favorite guest speakers was someone's grandpa.

- Special Events, throughout the year we have several field trips and special parties (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's, 100th Day, etc). I need chaperones for the trips and coordinators for our parties.

- Handyman/woman, a behind-the-scenes job, I would love to have our chairs painted this year. Currently we have a hodge-podge of orange, yellow, brown and one green chairs in our room. I would like to spray paint all the chairs the same color.

- Celebration Chef, another behind-the-scenes job, from time to time we have celebrations in our classroom, such as when we've finished a learning unit or mastered certain skills, I like to give the kids treats correlating with what we are celebrating and I need some help with the preparation.

There are many other ways to be involved in our room, and I will be making event-specific calls as we continue through the year. If you are interested in volunteering please make sure you have filled out the volunteer paperwork in the office and email me to schedule times.


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