Friday, January 13, 2012

More Science!

Last week I told you a little about our Scientist of the week activity and this week we did even more with it. Here's a more complete description:

Scientist of the Week 2

After "Scientist Fawn" visited the class last Friday the kiddos were anxious to meet "a real scientist" and no matter how many times I tried to convince them than anybody (including their teacher) can be a "real" scientist they just weren't buying it.  So, Ms. Darrow, a "real" scientist came to visit us this week.

Ms. Darrow explained all the different types of science people do and showed lots of interesting specimens.

 Of all the things Ms. Darrow talked about and showed us our very favorite were the plastic polymers. These remarkable beads start out as tiny bits of plastic about the size of a pencil tip, but after they soak in water for several hours they swell up into marble-sized balls. The real trick was that even though the glass beaker was full of the polymers, we could not see them!

We ended our week with our first student Scientist of the Week presentation, she did a fabulous job!


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