Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hessville Youth Hoops

Here is one of the personal narratives written by Morgan.

What would happen if the five foot two inch girl had popped my shoulder out of socket? What if I wouldn’t be able to play with or support my team for the rest of the season? Would I heal quickly enough or would I just sit in the crowd and watch? These were all the questions I asked myself as a clutched my shoulder in pain.
It was a Sunday afternoon, about one-thirty, at Morton High School. My teammates and I were facing the best girl basketball team in the league. We had never beaten them before, but we were looking pretty good then.  It was the second quarter and we were on defense. I saw one of the girls race down the court to make a lay-up, but that was NOT happening while I was on the court. In my head, my plan seemed great. I would get in my defensive stance in front of her, steal the ball, dribble down the court, and make a three-pointer. Well it actually didn’t go as well as I had planned. What really happened was this: When number five was dribbling down the court I stopped in front of her and just stood there for a while. She was running towards me so fast that when she ran into me I heard a pop/crack in my shoulder and it hurt really badly. I started to feel dizzy and my vision started to blur. I almost fell but I got my footing together. Luckily, the clock was counting down so the next sound I heard was “BUUAAAH”!!!!
I walked over to the sidelines with the rest of my team and sat Native American style on the floor. My friend’s mom, one of the assistant coaches, saw what had happened and came over to me. “Are you alright? I saw that girl run into you and you looked hurt”, she asked. “Yea, I’m fine. But that girl is so retarded, man. I mean I hope someone fouls her in this next quarter if she plays. That should’ve been a foul!” By the time I had finished going off, I checked the scoreboards. We were falling behind and I knew this game was going to be a blow-out. The pain from my shoulder mixed with the frustration from the game was very stressful and I just wanted to get back on the floor and get all that energy out.
By fourth quarter my shoulder was feeling better and I was able to go back on the court. I was happy to be back on the court but it was also too late for us to catch up with the other team. Time was running out and my teammates weren’t hustling as much. I tried my best and I’m sure some others did too but we were losing by twenty. Even though we lost that day, we still had fun, well except for my arm almost falling off.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Personal Narratives

Today the students turned in their personal narrative stories that they've been working on for the past couple of weeks. They've been working really hard both in class and at home to get their stories just right.

The students did a great job of allowing their distinct author voices be heard and exploding a single moment in their lives. Here are a few of the documents we used throughout the writing process (inspired by Mr. Hughes' anchor charts):

Many students chose to read their stories to the class. We all enjoyed them so much!
Great job Grade 7!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Day the Books Arrived

We are really enjoying the 40 book challenge we started at the beginning of the quarter and the students are reading voraciously! One of the major challenges was that the seventh grade classroom library was rather limited. I brought in about six bins of books from home and a student brought in a bin of books as well. Of course my books are limited and I'm now trying to buy a few books at time every so often to expand our library.

A great, budget-friendly resource for expanding libraries (classroom or personal) is Scholastic. I had some rewards points saved up with them and ordered half a dozen new books for our class. The books arrived during class time last week and I was mobbed by students trying to get a first look! I wish I had some pictures of the students as they rushed me to call dibs on the books. I LOVE that they are so excited about reading!

I also passed out book order forms that Scholastic included with our order. I want to stress that I am not promoting all of the books advertised in these flyers. Scholastic offers many great books at affordable prices but, it is important for parents to use their discretion when ordering for students. There are some books that may have content you find objectionable, I'm not suggesting that all of the books are appropriate. If there are books you wish to order you can follow the link to right of this post. I'm still so happy that the students are getting as excited as me about reading and books!