Wednesday, April 18, 2012

San Antonio Adventures

This past weekend I ventured all the way down to Texas with a few friends for some professional development. Mrs. U, Miss Alabata, Mrs. Prokop, and I went to San Antonio for a three day workshop by "The 2 Sisters". It was a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the Daily 5 and CAFE strategies for teaching literacy. The Sisters were fantastic! We learned so much and were reminded of even more while we were there. We spent most of the plane ride back discussing our classrooms, deciding what we can start doing right away, and making plans for next year already.
The Sisters shared this beautiful quote by Rachel Naomi Remen with us
"The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing w ever give each other is our attention. A loving silence often has far more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words." 
However I think my favorite quote I heard while we were at the workshop was from Louisa Moats "Teaching reading IS rocket science."

Of course we had a little bit of fun in the evenings and I promised my students some pictures. Being teachers, our first stop was the famous historical landmark, The Alamo.
We were able to take a trip down the San Antonio river on a boat tour, enjoy the River Walk, and of course eat lots of delicious Mexican food al fresco. In fact, for our last meal in the city we were even serenaded by a Mariachi band singing La Bamba!  
Overall it was a great learning experience and a fun trip, but I missed my students. I'm glad to be back!


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